Wood Heat

Services / Maintenance / Installation / Repair / Dealer

We believe that wood heat can play an important part in energy cost reduction. If you have the wood resource why let it rot away? We researched the woodstove industry and decided on the American-made HeatMasterSS Wood Stove line for our sales. We have operated a wood stove at our site for 12 seasons now, it has performed well and its operation has delivered repayment of our total investment. The system lends itself to a homeowner doing a substantial amount of the installation and we will work closely with you to complete the project.

Thanks for looking at our site and the product lines we carry. After many years in the customer service business we understand the need to provide value, integrity and efficiency in dealing with the customer. We are looking forward to working with you, please visit our Contact page to let us know if you’re interested.

Offering HeatMaster Wood Heat Installation, Consultation, Site Survey, Design and Maintenance.

Current Conditions

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